Quantity of 1 = 1 Pound, Quantity of 2 = 2 Pounds etc.
Fresh morels now available to order.
We cannot guarantee we will be able to ship right away. If you have to have them shipped right away please text or email to check on immediate shipping. Your order will ship overnight when we get to your order.
When dealing with a persihable product there are sometimes weather or quality issues. Orders are sometimes taken a bit ahead of the crop so when the morels come in they can immediately ship.
Fresh morels are among the most prized mushrooms. From the best kitchens and the most celebrated chefs in the United States to home cooks and food lovers, morels are always a welcome treat.
Morels need to be rinsed thoroughly. Since these mushrooms are hollow on the inside they leave room for a little creativity. Stuff them with meat, crab, cheese and other kinds of food that you find go well with their flavor! Cook thoroughly over medium-medium high heat in butter or oil until golden brown. Do not lightly cook. About 25-30 minutes. Let rest for a few minutes after cooking.