Fresh morels shipping the week of March 17th or the following week. Click on the mushroom photo then scroll down and ad to cart to place your order.
Sometimes customers will get an error at checkout stating to enter a complete shipping address or shipping not available to your state. Be sure to enter a full address with no abbreviations. If the error persists, refresh the page or try again after a few minutes. To help us resolve the issue please text a screenshot of the error to 608-732-2175 or email us @
Also available to order: frozen morels, dried morels & frozen porcini.
Year Round Mushroom - Reconstitute at your own convivence!
Great in soups, sauces, stews, or sautéed. Also great on pizza.
The 2023 morel season was a up and down. Cultivated morels were fantastic this year. Our growers are getting very close to the flavor of wild. The...